I wanted to write you a letter, since I am aware of your struggle. I've been keeping up with you these past few weeks and I can tell you're doing your best to keep it all from falling apart. I know you're growing tired, and the deepest part of you is still trying to mend scars that appeared long ago. I wanted to write you so that you would know that you're not alone. You are not invisible.

I think now it's the time to be braver and more vulnerable than ever before. You must love with all your love. When you cry, cry all your tears. And when you believe, believe wholeheartedly. But for you to be able to do all of this, you have some things to learn and some wounds to clean out. You have to start healing, my love, before you can live life with all the passion that I know dwells within you. I know the fire you carry within. I've seen that beautiful flame burn with a glow unlike anything I've ever seen. It radiates a beauty that unearths mysteries and magic in an ordinary world. It is a beauty worthy of a king's favor and all the prince's horses. But you must heal, my love, you must heal.
There are a few opportunities before you right now that could use this healing. I know you're afraid of having to say goodbye once again. I know that while you're afraid, you're also quite independent and fierce in your own way. You'd say goodbye if you had to, even if it teared you apart. But things have not gotten there yet. There is still hope for renewal. There is still room for love, and that is the key to it all: love.
I may not have all the answers, my dear, but I know beauty and light when I see it. I know what it feels like when you're in the arms of someone who truly loves you. I've know the quiet longing and desperation of unrequited love; and I 've experienced the moments of truth that are presented every day to us. I have known these and the pain of their lack, and so I say to you to seek these things and be glad. Seek love and peace. Seek the warmth of your lover and leave the petty things behind. Love until it drips from your finger tips and springs forth from the ends of your hair locks. You will never regret having done this, even when you're wronged.
Do not worry about those who judge you or look down on you. They cannot and will not understand, at least not at this time. It is not your job to make them understand, but it is your duty to love yourself and believe in who you are. Believe in your convictions. Have faith in your ideas. Carry them into the world like love letters that have come from afar. Treasure them and believe in the power of the things they have to say. Believe them to be true and real. It doesn't matter if someone else cannot read the language they were written in or if they seem foolish to others. These words were written for you and only you. If you believe in what they have to say, nothing else matters.
So I ask you to let yourself heal, my dearest. Mend those wounds that have caused you so much discomfort all this time. Only them will you be able to offer all the beauty you hold within to those who deserve it.
If you ever get scared, don't run away. Don't hide. Precious metals always come to their purest form in great heat.
Forever yours,